1. Which area in MS Word is used to enter the text?
a. work space
b. work sheet
c. slides
d. work book
2. Which one of the following is a word processor?
a. MS Word
b. MS Excel
c. MS Access
d. MS Office publisher
3. Which one of the following is text styling feature of MS Word?
a. word fill
b. word art
c. word color
d. word font
4. Which document view given an appearance as in web browser?
a. Draft view
b. Outline view
c. Web layout view
d. Full screen reading
5. Which group includes superscript, subscript, strike through options in MS Word?
a. Clipboard
b. Font
c. Paragraph
d. Style
6. What is the purpose of quick access toolbar?
a. To hold advance function
b. To hold special function
c. To hold basic function
d. To hold familiar and repeated function
7. What is the purpose of undo action in MS Word?
a. Restore previous action
b. Get the current action
c. Goes to previous page
d. Goes to previous paragraph
8. Which option is used to activate and deactivate ruler?
a. View →grids
b. View→ ruler
c. Insert → toolbar
d. Insert → ruler
9. Which option is used to locate any specific character, symbols or formulas in a document?
a. Find
b. Searching text
c. Replace
d. Selecting text
10. Which feature is used to adjust the amount of space between words for alignment in MS Word?
a. Spacing
b. Scaling
c. Justifying
d. Positioning
11. Where does the file name of the active document displays?
a. title bar
b. task bar
c. menu bar
d. status bar
12. How can we rectify the errors occurs while typing?
a. Auto entry
b. Auto add
c. Auto spell
d. Auto correct
13. What is the purpose of inserting header and footer in document?
a. To make the starting and ending page
b. To entrance the appearance of the document
c. To make larger document more readable
d. To allow page headers and footer appear on the document
14. What is the purpose of word wrap?
a. Aligning text with the right margin
b. Inserting space between paragraphs
c. Inserting space automatically between words
d. Moving text automatically to the next line
15. How Cells are named in MS Excel?
a. Alphabetically
b. Numerically
c. Alphanumerically
d. Special Character
16. What is the maximum limit of rows in MS Excel 2010?
a. 1084567
b. 1048567
c. 1048576
d. 1084576
17. Which bar lies top of the window in Excel Screen?
a. Status Bar
b. Ruler
c. Title Bar
d. Scroll Bar
18. Which tab is used to include pivot table, charts, hyperlinks to a spread sheet?
a. Insert
b. Page Layout
c. Data
d. Review
19. What is the file extension of Excel 2010?
a. xls
b. xlsb
c. xlsm
d. xlsx
20. What type of software is MS Office?
a. Application Software
b. Operating System
c. Programming Language
d. System Software
21. Which view in Excel displays the pages exactly as they appear when printed?
a. Custom View
b. Full screen View
c. Page Break View
d. Page Layout view
22. Which one of the following will starts with “=” sign in Excel 2010?
a. Data
b. Text
c. Numbers
d. Formulas
23. Which key is used to make multiple line in a single cell?
a. Alt+
b. Tab+
c. Ctrl+
d. Shift+
Which item, contains text graphics, charts, sound, video, etc., in power point
Desktop screen
Which button is used to add instant animation to the presentation and helps interactive presentation?
Add button
Insert button
Action button
Which key is used to stop a power point presentation?
Which template makes specify common design elements in all slides in the presentation?
Fax template
Data template
Which function key is used to run a power point presentation?
Which one of the following is extension of power point 2010 presentation file?