Emails are electronic letters. Email writing is a method of delivering, receiving, and producing information using an electronic communication system over the Internet. Email stands for Electronic Mail, and it is commonly used for formal communication. Because it is less expensive and takes less time, it is the most prevalent means of communication. As a result, candidates for many competitive tests, as well as high school pupils, must become acquainted with the Email Writing Format.
On that note, let’s learn how to write formal and informal emails with examples so students and working professionals can write effective emails.

How to Write an Email?
Professional communication requires the use of email. It is difficult to persuade people to respond to your emails if they are uninterested in your message or proposal. This is precisely why you should learn to write smart emails. Be daring. Get right to the point. The finest email communication is simple and straightforward.
When you sit down to write emails, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Emails, like informal and formal letters, can be casual or professional. The email format varies depending on the type of email you are writing. However, correct grammar and spelling are important considerations.
When you start writing an email,
- Make sure you enter the correct email address. Always confirm the precise email address with the recipient because even a full stop that is not part of the email address can cause your email to be delivered to the wrong person or simply bounce.
- The subject line of an email is the one line of text that recipients view when they open it. This one line of text can often determine whether an email is opened or deleted, so make sure it’s optimised for your target reader especially if you are sending an email to a very busy or reputable person such as sending an electronic letter to Editor of a newspaper. Drafting the subject should take twice as long as writing the body.
- Make certain that your Salutation or Greeting is appropriate for the recipient(s). The greeting establishes rapport.
- The subject of the email is stated in the email’s body. Be specific about the information you want the recipient to understand. Make sure you’ve written out all you want to say in plain terms. Avoid using colloquial language or long, winding sentences. Avoid using overused language or repeating words. Even if you’re declining an offer, keep your message upbeat. If you must comply, do it before they remind you. Keep it brief. Font style and size should be standard. Do a final spelling/grammar/proofreading check.
- Finally, before sending the email, sign it politely and proofread it. Only when the closing feels genuine will the receiver want to respond.
Email Writing Format Samples
Here are some sample emails to help you understand how to write an effective email.
1. Formal Email Writing Format Samples
An email requesting information about course details
To: Recipient’s email ID
Subject: Regarding Course Details
Dear Sir,
I successfully completed the B.Sc. degree examination with Electronics as my main subject. I plan to take a computer science course and would like to learn more about the courses offered at your university. I’d appreciate receiving a copy of your prospectus.
Yours faithfully,
Your name
2. Informal Email Writing Format Samples
Email expressing your gratitude
To: Recipient’s email address
Subject: Congratulations!
Dear (Name),
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart. I was delighted to see your name on the list of meritorious candidates. Your efforts weren’t in vain after all. Your family must be immensely proud of you, I’m sure.
You have truly honoured the family name, and I am delighted that you will be able to pursue the architecture degree you have long desired. I can’t wait to meet you in person to express my gratitude and affection.
Please convey my greetings to Uncle, Aunty, and Grandpa.
Your name
Conclusion :
Hope you understand How to Write Email also given certain format that definitely helps you . If you find This article helpful then share this with your friends.