Maharashtra ZP Bharti 2023 is started SOON. ZP Bharti, Recruitment of all departments of Zilla Parishad i.e Gram Vikas Vibhag, Arogya Vibhag, Gruh Vibhag, Krushi Vibhag etc. Zilla Parishad Bharti recruitment For All districts in Maharashtra.. We can Apply online , Visit get the latest update about ZP Bharti.

ZP MAHARASHTRA Recruitment-Bharati 2023 Exam Pattern Syllabus Post Cutoff -जिल्हा परिषद भरती सपूर्ण माहिती
Gram-vikas Department Recruitment Maharashtra 2023
Available Vacancy :-
Total: na
Post Name:
Post No. | Name of the Post | Post No. | Name of the Post |
1 | Junior Engineer (Civil) | 10 | Civil Engineering Assistant |
2 | Junior Engineer (Mechanical) | 11 | Live Stock Supervisor (Animal Husbandry) |
3 | Gramsevak- Contractual | 12 | Health Supervisor |
4 | Pharmacist | 13 | Senior Assistant (Account) |
5 | Laboratory Technician | 14 | Senior Assistant (Clerk), |
6 | Health Worker (Male) | 15 | Supervisor (Anganwadi) |
7 | Health Worker (Female) | 16 | Junior Accounts Officer |
8 | Extension Officer(Agriculture) | 17 | Junior Mechanic |
9 | Extension Officer(Statistics) |
- Post No.1: (i) Civil Engineering Degree / Diploma (ii) MS-CIT/CCC
- Post No.2: (i) Mechanical Engineering Degree / Diploma (ii) MS-CIT/CCC
- Post No.3: (i) 12th Pass with 60% marks or Engineering Diploma or BWS or Agricultural Diploma (ii) MS-CIT/CCC
- Post No.4: (i) B.Pharm / D.Pharm (ii) MS-CIT/CCC
- Post No.5: (i) B.Sc (Physics / Chemistry / Biology / Zoology / Microbiology) (ii) MS-CIT/CCC
- Post No.6: (i) 10th Pass (ii) MS-CIT/CCC
- Post No.7: (i) Assistant Supervisor and Maharashtra Nursing Council Registration (ii) MS-CIT/CCC
- Post No.8: (i) Agricultural degree or equivalent (ii) MS-CIT/CCC
- Post No.9: (i) Degree of science, agriculture, commerce with mathematics / statistics subjects (ii) MS-CIT / CCC
- Post No.10: (i) 10th pass (ii) Civil engineering assistant course or equivalent (iii) MS-CIT / CCC
- Post No.11: (i) Veterinary degree or equivalent (iii) MS-CIT / CCC
- Post No.12: (i) B.Sc (ii) Health Employee Course (iii) MS-CIT / CCC
- Post No.13: (i) Degree of Commerce in the subject of Accounting and Audit (ii) 03 years experience (iii) MS-CIT / CCC
- Post No.14: (i) Graduate (ii) MS-CIT / CCC
- Post No.15: (i) Sociology / Home Science / Education / Child Development / Nutrition Degree (ii) MS-CIT / CCC
- Post No.16: (i) Graduate (ii) 03 years experience (iii) MS-CIT / CASIC
- Post No.17: Course of Mechanical Engineering Department of Technical Education (ii) 05 years experience (iii) MS-CIT / CCC
Important Dates:-
Information | Dates |
Starting Date For Online Application | 2023 |
Last Date For Online Application | 2023 |
Exam Date | Not Declared |
District Wise ZP Bharti 2023 Details
We all know that ZP Recruitment notification came for every district separately. Here we will publish district wise Zilla Parishad recruitment information, so you will easily find ZP Exam information for your district.
Age Limit for Zilla Parishad Recruitment
While applying for any job, the Age Limit factor is so important as it denotes about experienced or non-experienced candidate requirement. In every recruitment, Age Limit is different for each category, below we provided detail information about the age limit.
Age Limit For ZP Bharti | |
Open Category | 18 to 38 Years |
Reserved Category | 18 to 43 Years |
- Educational Qualification For ZP Exam 2023
Educational Qualification is mandatory for any vacancy. Every vacancy has some educational qualification criteria and you have to eligible before applying for any post. Here we are going to explain the educational qualification required for ZP Bharti 2023.
Educational Qualification is varying with the post for which you are applying. You will get detailed information about these criteria in your districts ZP notification. All the required criteria will be shown in the notification of each district so you will get the correct information.
Arogya Sevak, Gram Sevak, Varishth Sahayyak, Kanishth Sahayyak, Kanishth Abhiyanta, Kanishth Abhiyantriki, Vistar Adhikari, Krushi Adhikari, Sahayyak Bal Vikas Prakalp Adhikari etc. posts are come under ZP Bharti 2023, so every posts has different educational qualification.
We will update here once ZP Recruitment 2023 will announce.
Application Fees For Zilla Parishad Bharti 2023:-
You have to pay online application fees for applying ZP Bharti. In this Bharti, You can apply for multiple posts but you have to pay fees for every application.
Application Fees For ZP Exam 2019 | |
Open Category | 500 Rs. |
Reserved Category | 250 Rs. |
Zilla Parishad Maharashtra Exam Pattern | Maharashtra ZP Bharti Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2022
ZP Bharti Syllabus 2022 | zp exam syllabus in marathi
अ.क्र. | विषय | प्रश्नाची संख्या | गुण | माध्यम |
1 | English | 15 | 30 | English |
2 | मराठी | 15 | 30 | मराठी |
3 | सामान्य ज्ञान | 15 | 30 | English व मराठी |
4 | तर्कक्षमता आणि अनुमानात्मक चाचणी | 15 | 30 | English व मराठी |
5 | तांत्रिक विषय | 40 | 80 | English / English व मराठी |
Total | 100 | 200 |
- Current Affairs
- General Knowledge
- Reasoning
- Computer Aptitude
- Intelligent Test
- Marathi language
- English
ZP Bharti Marathi Syllabus :
- अलंकार:-अर्थ्ाांतरण्यास,उत्प्रेक्षा ,भ्ांतीमान ,व्यक्तिरेक ,अनन्वय ,स्वभावोिी
- वृत्त :- ओवी ,नववधू,भुजंगप्रयात ,पादाकु लक ,अभंग ,वसंतततलका
- वाक्यरूपांतर :- के वल ,संयुि ,तमश्र
- प्रयोग :- कततरी ,कमतणी ,भावे वाक्यप्रचारवम्हणी
- समास _ मध्यमपदलोपी ,कमतधारय ,तवभिीतत्पुरुषद्वंनवद ( समाहार ,इतरेतर , वैकतलतपक ), सहबहुव्रीही
- काळ :- सवत(स्थुलस्वरूपाचापररचय)
Zilla Parishad English Syllabus:
Similar Word, Opposite Word, Common Vocabulary, Sentence Structure Use of Idioms and phrases & their meaning and comprehension of the passage. Sentence Conversion: Simple, Compound & Complex Sentences Grammatical Voices – Active, Passive, & Imperatives sentences Phrases & Proverbial Sayings Compound- Determinative, Appositional, Numeral, Attributive, Copulative, Adverbial Tense –All, (Present/Past/Future)(Simple/Continuous/perfect/perfect continuous)
ZP General Knowledge Topics
General knowledge related topics include Maharashtra’s history, work of social reformers in Maharashtra, Indian State(Political) System, Rural Development Administration, Geography, Science, and Engineering, Department of Agriculture, Economics, Agriculture, Sports, Cultural Events, Global, Current Affairs in India and the State, etc.
ZP Maharashtra Intelligent Test Syllabus
Intelligence test-related factors include the difference in number series, number series, alphabetical series, and alphanumerical series, numeric characters and words incompatibilities, numbers, letters and word discrepancies, encoding, disambiguation, logical figures, vein figures, relationships, mathematical rationality, logical explanation of details, direction etc.
- आरोग्य सेवक, आरोग्य सेविका व आरोग्य सेवक (हंगामी फवारणी) या पदासाठी तांत्रिक विषय हा इंग्रजी व मराठी दोन्ही माध्यमात राहील
- औषध निर्माता, आरोग्य पर्यवेक्षक व प्रयोगशाळा तंत्रज्ञ या पदांसाठी तांत्रिक विषय हा इंग्रजी माध्यमात राहील
- गट क पदांकरीता एकूण 100 प्रश्न असतील व प्रत्येक प्रश्नाला 2 मार्क याप्रमाणे 200 मार्कांची परीक्षा राहील.
- ही online असेल.
- तांत्रिक संवर्गातील पदांकरिता मराठी, इंग्रजी, सामान्य ज्ञान व बौद्धिक चाचणी या विषयांवरील एकूण 60 प्रश्न राहतील व तांत्रिक विषयावर 40 प्रश्न राहतील.
- परीक्षेचा कालावधी 2 तास असेल.
- परीक्षेत निगेटिव्ह मार्किंग राहणार नाही.