Multiple Choice Questions of Computer Graphics

Multiple Choice Questions of Computer Graphics — Computer Graphics MCQ

1. Following is not the classification of computer graphics

o Geometry

o Animation

o Imagination

o Artificial intelligence

2. The region code of a point within the window is __________

o 0000

o 0001

o 1000

o 1111

3. Which is not the the text mode graphics function.

o Window()

o Putch()

o Clrscr()

o Rectangle()

4. Co-ordinate of viewport are know as ________

o World co-ordinate

o Polar co-ordinate

o Screen co-ordinate

o Cartesian co-ordinate

5. Which is not the graphics mode function for shapes.

o Lineto()

o Window()

o Circle()

o Ellipse()

6. Co-ordinates of window are known as ______

o World co-ordinate

o device co-ordinate

o Screen co-ordinate

o Cartesian co-ordinate

7. A bitmap is a collection of _____ that describes an image.

o Bits

o Colors

o Algorithm

o Pixels

8. Following is not the graphics mode function for colors

o Drawpoly()

o Setcolor()

o Setfillstyle()

o Fillpoly()

9. Following is not the flat panel display.

o Plasma panel




10. Following is not the computer graphics standard.




o Line segment

11. How many methods of text clipping are there?

o 5

o 4

o 3

o 2

12. A polygon can be clipped using clipping operation

See also मेगा भरती २०२२ Mega Bharti latest update - होणार ५०,००० जागांची मेगा भरती होणार सुरु

o True

o False

13. Following are the line drawing algorithm

1. DDA 2. Bresenham’s 3. Mid-Point

    • Only 1
    • Only 2
    • 1 & 2
    • 1, 2 & 3

    14. Following are the circle genrationg algorithm

    1. DDA 2. Bresenham’s 3. Mid-Point

      • Only 1
      • Only 2
      • 1 & 2
      • 1, 2 & 3

      15. Following are the types of polygon.

      1.Convex 2. Concave 3. Context

        • Only 1
        • Only 2
        • 1 & 2
        • 1, 2 & 3
      1. The process of selecting and viewing picture with different view is called as ________
        • Clipping
        • Windowing
        • Normalization
        • Transformation
      2. The Bezier curve obtained from the four control point is called
        • Square Bezier curve
        • Cubic Bezier curve
        • Hectare Bezier curve
        • Rectangle Bezier curve
      3. Test available to find out if a point is inside or outside of polygon are
      4. 1. Odd even rule 2. Positive – negative rule 3. Non-zero winding number rule

          • Only 1
          • Only 2
          • 1 & 3
          • 1, 2 & 3
        1. Types of perspective projection are
        2. 1. One-point 2. Two-point 3. Three-point

            • Only 1
            • Only 2
            • 1 & 3
            • 1, 2 & 3
          1. Polygon filling algorithm are
          2. 1. Scan-line algorithm 2. Boundary fill algorithm 3. Flood fill algorithm

              • Only 1
              • Only 2
              • 1 & 3
              • 1, 2 & 3
            1. More the control point of a Bezier curve ______ quality of the curve
              • Higher
              • Lower
              • Bad
              • None of these
            2. The process which devides each element of the picture into its visible and invisible portion allowing to be discarded is called as clipping _______
              • Clipping
              • Windowing
              • Viewing
              • Normalization
            3. After translate line AB by 5 units in X-direction where co-ordinates are A(5,5) B(10,5) new points are
              • A’ = (10,5) B’ = (15,5)
              • A’ = (12,6) B’ = (17,6)
              • A’ = (15,5) B’ = (15,5)
              • A’ = (20,5) B’ = (20,5)
            4. Character generation method are
            5. See also Best Books for futures and options trading PDF

              1. Stroke method 2. Starbust method 3. Bitmap method

                • Only 1
                • Only 2
                • 1 & 3
                • 1, 2 & 3
              1. After scaling the triangle ABC to reduce it to half of its size where co-ordinates of triangle are A(5,5) B(10,5) C(10,10) new points are
                • A(2.5,2.5) B(5,2.5) C(5,5)
                • A(2.5,7.5) B(7.5,2.5) C(5,5)
                • A(7.5,2.5) B(5,2.5) C(5,7.5)
                • A(7.5,7.5) B(2.5,7.5) C(7.5,2.5)
              2. A world co-ordinate area selected for display is called is called as
                • Viewport
                • Clipping
                • Window
                • Transformation
              3. SP line curve can be either
                • Bezier spline
                • B Sp line
                • Both a & b
                • None of these
              4. Following is not the type of virtual reality
                • Non-immerssive
                • Fully-immerssive simulation
                • Semi-immerssive
                • Auto-immerssive
              5. Basic geometric transformations are
              6. 1. Translation 2. Scalling 3. Rotation

                  • Only 1
                  • Only 2
                  • 1 & 3
                  • 1, 2 & 3
                1. Basic approaches to represent polygons are
                2. 1. Polygon drawing primitives 2. Trapezoid primitives 3. Line & point

                    • Only 1
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                    • 1 & 3
                    • 1, 2 & 3
                  1. Following is not the components of virtual reality
                    • Virtual reality engine
                    • Interactive
                    • Sensory feedback
                    • Database
                  2. Area on display device to which window is mapped is called as
                    • Viewport
                    • Window
                    • Clipping
                    • Windowing
                  3. Line clipping categories are
                  4. 1. Visible 2. Not visible 3. Clipping candidate

                      • Only 1
                      • Only 2
                      • 1 & 3
                      • 1, 2 & 3
                    1. Reflection of a point about x-axis, followed by a counter-clockwise rotation of 90° , is equivalent. to reflection about the line
                      • x = -y
                      • y = -x
                      • x = y
                      • x+y = 1

                      1. In Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm for polygon clipping, assume P (present point) lies inside the window and S (previous point) lies outside the window. Then, while processing through that window boundary, we should
                      • store the intersection point of line PS (S’) only
                      • store the points P and S’
                      • store the point P only
                      • store the points S and S’
                      See also अरदास - Ardaas in Hindi

                      1. A Bezier cubic curve with control points Po, Pi’ P2, P3 is defined by the equation
                        Bezier Curve


                        • (1-u)3
                        • u3
                        • 3u(1-u)2
                        • 3u2(1-u)

                        1. Types Of Computer Graphics Are

                          • Scalar And Raster
                          • Vector And Raster
                          • Vector And Scalar
                          • None Of These

                          1. The Brightness Of Each Pixel Is

                            • Compatible
                            • Incompatible
                            • Both A & B
                            • None Of These

                            1. Each Pixel Has ________basic Color Components
                            • Two Or Three
                            • One Or Two
                            • Three Or Four
                            • None Of These
                          1. . Higher The Number 0f Pixels,_______ The Image Quality
                              • Bad
                              • Better
                              • Smaller
                              • None Of Above

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