Software Testing Questions With Answers – MCQ

Software Testing Questions With Answers – MCQ

Software Testing Questions With Answers - MCQ

1) When an expected result is not specified in test case template then ___________.

a. We cannot run the test.

b. It may be difficult to repeat the test.

c. It may be difficult to determine if the test has passed or failed.

d. We cannot automate the user inputs.

ANSWER: It may be difficult to determine if the test has passed or failed.

2) End result of Software Requirement Analysis is ________.

a. Functional and Behavioral

b. Architectural and Structural

c. Usability and Reliability

d. Algorithmic and Data Structure

ANSWER: Functional and Behavioral

3) Which Testing is performed first?

a. Black box testing

b. White box testing

c. Dynamic testing

d. Static testing

ANSWER: Static testing


4) Testing beyond normal operational capacity is __________.

a. Load testing

b. Performance testing

c. Stress testing

d. All of these.

ANSWER: Stress testing

5) The expected results of the software is _________________.

a. Only important in system testing

b. Only used in component testing

c. Most useful when specified in advance

d. Derived from the code.

ANSWER: Only important in system testing

6) Test cases are created in which phase?

a. Test Specification

b. Test Planning

c. Test Requirement

d. Test Configuration

ANSWER: Test Specification

7) A tester is executing a test to evaluate and it complies with the user requirement for a certain field be populated by using a dropdown box containing a list of values, at that time tester is performing __________ .

a. White-box Testing

b. Black-box Testing

c. Load Testing

d. Regression Testing

ANSWER: Black-box Testing

8) 7n test cases are generated in which case of Boundary Value Analysis?

a. Worst case

b. Roust worst case

c. Critical fault assumption

d. None of these

ANSWER: Roust worst case

9) Which testing cannot be performed on first build of the software?
a. Regression testing

b. Retesting.

c. Sanity testing

d. Only A and B.

e. All of these

ANSWER: All of these

10) Which testing is performed with Planning and Documentation?

a. Ad-hoc testing

b. Monkey testing

c. Fuzz testing

d. End-to-End testing

ANSWER: End-to-End testing

11) Which is not true in context of Decision Tree?

a. Used in white box model.

b. Perform well with large data

c. Handles both categorical and numerical data

d. Random forest tree is used for regression type problem

ANSWER: Random forest tree is used for regression type problem

12) Which is not true regarding Smoke and Sanity Testing?

a. Sanity Testing is also called tester acceptance testing.

b. Smoke testing performed on a particular build is also known as a build verification test.

c. Smoke and sanity tests can be executed using an automation tool.

d. When executing both, then first execute sanity testing tests and then smoke Testing.

ANSWER: When executing both, then first execute sanity testing tests and then smoke Testing.

Software Testing Questions With Answers – MCQ

13) Which is not true regarding Spiral Model?

a. Risk analysis is involved in every cycle of development.

b. Uses series of prototype for refining test execution plan.

c. For any change we need to iterate the whole cycle.

d. Only this model has the risk analysis phase.

ANSWER: Uses series of prototype for refining test execution plan.

14) Which debugging technique is most used for debugging in small software?

a. Brute Force

b. Induction

c. Back tracking

d. Cause elimination

ANSWER: Back tracking

15) ________ calls the function and passes it test data.

a. Test Stub

b. Test Driver

c. Proxy

d. None of the above

ANSWER: Test Driver

16) Which is not a part of Specification Testing?

a. Equivalence Partitioning

b. Decision Tables

c. Decision

d. Use Case Testing

ANSWER: Decision

17) Which of the following is / are true regarding Catastrophic Defect?

a. Hide other defects.

b. Invokes other defect.

c. Failure of the software and data can be recovered.

d. Application crash and data cannot be recovered.

ANSWER: Application crash and data cannot be recovered.

18) Which is not true in case of Soak Testing?

a. Also know as Endurance Testing.

b. Running a system at high levels of load for prolonged periods of time.

c. Type of Performance Testing.

d. Subset of Regression Testing.

ANSWER: Subset of Regression Testing.

19) What is the ratio of effort needed to fixing a defect in Requirement Phase, Design Phase, Coding Phase and Implementing Phase?

a. 1:4:7:10

b. 1:6:10:1000

c. 1:8:12:100

d. 1:10:100:1000

ANSWER: 1:6:10:1000

Software Testing Questions With Answers – MCQ

20) Which testing application security has the purpose to prevent problems which may affect the application integrity and stability?

a. Vulnerability Testing

b. Ramp Testing

c. Penetration Testing

d. Fuzz Testing

ANSWER: Vulnerability Testing

21) Which of the following is / are not part of Specification Based Testing?

a. Decision Table

b. State Transition

c. Data Flow

d. Boundary Value Analysis

ANSWER: Data Flow

22) Confidence Testing refers to ________.

a. Smoke Testing

b. Retesting

c. Regression Testing

d. All of these.

ANSWER: Smoke Testing

23) Coupling and Cohesion is explained by _______ .

a. Software Requirement Specification

b. Cause-Effect Graph

c. Structure Graph

d. Dependency Matrix

ANSWER: Cause-Effect Graph

24) Component Drivers are not needed for ______.

a. Big-Bang

b. Top Down

c. Modified Top Down

d. Modified Sandwich

ANSWER: Top Down

25) Which of the following is / are not a Iterative Model?
a. RAD

b. Incremental

c. V model

d. Spiral Model

ANSWER: V model

Software Testing Questions With Answers – MCQ

26) Which is not true in case of Unit Testing?

a. It decreases the software development speed.

b. It can’t be expected to catch every error in a program.

c. In this tester evaluates if individual units of source code are fit for use.

d. It is usually conducted by the development team.

ANSWER: It decreases the software development speed.

27) Focus Testing comes under ______.
a. Performance Testing

b. Acceptance Testing

c. Usability Testing

d. Component Testing

ANSWER: Usability Testing

28) Defects can be found more easily in ________ .

a. Bottom up Integration Testing

b. Top down Integration Testing

c. Big Bang Testing.

d. Sandwich Integration Testing

ANSWER: Bottom up Integration Testing

29) STLC is related to which model?
a. Waterfall Model

b. RAD Model

c. V Model

d. Spiral Model


30) Top-down Design does not require ______ .

a. Step-wise Refinement

b. Loop-invariants

c. Flow charting

d. Modularity

ANSWER: Loop-invariants

31) ______ is an existing defect that has not yet caused a failure because the conditions that is required to invoke the defect is not meet.

a. Masked defect

b. Latent defect

c. Both of these

d. None of these.

ANSWER: Latent defect

32) Which is the odd one out?

a. Beta testing

b. Beta release

c. Client side

d. Client or development side

ANSWER: Client or development side

33) First component of the DFD is ______ .

a. Process b. Flow

c. Entity d. Level

ANSWER: Process

34) Minimum of four test data are available in ______ .

a. Boundary Value Analysis

b. Equivalence Class Partitioning

c. Both A and B

d. None of these.

ANSWER: Boundary Value Analysis

35) What is the order of Priority Testing?

a. Unit >>Integration >>System Testing.

b. Unit>> System>>Acceptance Testing.

c. System>>Integration>> Acceptance Testing.

d. System>>Acceptance>>Integration

ANSWER: Unit >>Integration >>System Testing.


36) Data classification is done by which type of Decision Tree?

a. Regression Tree b. Boosted Tree

c. Classification Tree d. Bagging Tree

ANSWER: Classification Tree

37) Which of the following Review Technique is / are not time bound?

a. Inspection b. walkthrough

c. Both of These d. None of These

ANSWER: walkthrough

38) Which of the following is / are characteristics of testable software?

a. Observability b. Simplicity

c. Stability d. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above

39) Which of the following categories, Black-box testing attempts to find errors?

a. Incorrect or missing functions

b. Interface errors

c. Behavior or performance errors

d. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above

40) Equivalence Partitioning comes under which type of Testing?

a. White Box Testing b. Black Box Testing

c. Grey Box Testing d. None of the above

ANSWER: Black Box Testing

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